Thursday, October 4, 2012

Revised Schedule

Budget ~ 200 hours

Matte Paintings - 24 hours
Lefty's Room - 12 hours 
Boomer's Room - 12 hours

Models - 42 hours
Boomer - 12 
Lefty - 12
Boomer's Camera - 4

Lefty's Camera - 4
Boomer's Speakers - 4
Lefty's Speakers - 4
Boomer's Chair - 6

Rigging  - 42 hours
Boomer - 12 
Lefty - 12
Boomer's Camera - 4
Lefty's Camera - 4
Boomer's Speakers - 4
Lefty's Speakers - 4
Boomer's Chair - 6

Animation ~ 92
Boomer spins chair - 4

Lefty - 4

  • Enters - 1
  • Checks time - 1
  • Reroutes - 2
Boomer - 7
  • Flips switch - 1
  • Demands more time  - 2
  • Extracts chart from his chair - 2
  • Picks item - 2
Lefty alerts Boomer - 1

Boomer - 3
  • Flips switch - 1
  • Asks question - 2
 Lefty approves question - 2

Boomer asks another question - 2
Lefty denies question - 2
Boomer asks wtf? - 2

Lefty explains logic - 4

Boomer baffled - 2
Lefty executes route - 2
Boomer fumbles with switches - 12

Lefty Reports arrival - 2 hours
Boomer - 8
  • Kicks chair - 4
  • Stomps away - 4 hours
Lefty requests Boomers attention - 2
Boomer disses Lefty - 4 hours
Lefty Advances on Boomer - 2
Boomer yells at Lefty - 4
Lefty yells at Boomer - 4
Boomer freezes - 2
Lefty informs boomer - 2
Boomer turns - 2
Lefty extends hand - 2
Boomer high fives Lefty's screen - 4
Lefty's camera spins - 2
Boomer hops into chair - 4


04-07 Model Boomer's room
08-11 Model Lefty's Room
12-15 Model Boomer
16-19 Model Lefty
20-22 Model Boomer's Chair
23-27 Model Lefty's Camera
28-31 Model Boomer's Camera

01-03 Model Lefty's Speakers
04-06 Model Boomer's Speakers
07-09 Rig Lefty
10-12 Rig Boomer
13 Rig Boomer's Chair
14 Rig Lefty's Camera
15 Rig Boomer's Camera
16 Setting up shot01 and animating Boomer spinning chair
17 Setting up shot02 and animating  Lefty entering, checking time, and rerouting
18-19 Setting up shot03 and animating Boomer flipping switch, demanding more time and checking chart
20 Set up shot04 and shot05 and animated Lefty alerting boomer, and boomer flipping the switch to ask a question
21 Set up shot06 and animate Boomer asking the question and Lefty denying the question
22 Set up shot07 and animate Boomer's confusion and Lefty explaining
23 Set up shot08 and animate Boomer's bafflement and Lefty executing route
24-30 Set up shot09 and animate boomer fumbling with controls
31 Finish Holloween Costume

1 Set up shot10 and animate Lefty reporting arrival and Boomer kicking chair
2 Animate Boomer stomping off
3 Animate Lefty calling Boomer and Boomer dissing Lefty
4 Animate same thing, but with more fervor
5 Animate Lefty yelling and boomer freezing
6 Animate Lefty reporting to Boomer and Boomer turning in surprise
7 Animate Lefty extending hand and Boomer high-fiving the screen
8 Animate Camera Spinning and Boomer hopping into chair
9 Winter break... fine tuning

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